rhiannon's journal

By rhiannon

lovely magnolia

a strange old day of getting in a rage with instructor for (deliberately?) creating lots of unnecessary work for us after setting us a target, feeling annoyed for being snapped at quite a bit - never known a work relationship like it :-( and to think this person reckons she is going to visit me lots after this year and then begged me for a lift to tom's wedding and then keeps using the phrase 'we can't all be little miss perfect'!! ugghh! unbelievable
the sun was just lovely tho which lifts even my spirits although the sunburn i have doesn't make me feel too clever!
felt really crap talking to al about her hen do…i do hope we can make this right for her i hated hearing her so disappointed :-(
got a hilarious text from bekkie telling me that she is able to help me move house which should be a right giggle!
am glad it is the weekend :-) off to carlisle tomorrow to be shown some good pubs! yippee!

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