
By Instography

Good Friday

A wee tootle to Culross didn't actually get to Culross. Me with the dug in his crate on a trailer, Mandy with Ellen on the tandem and Ewan on Mandy's bike set off with the plan to get to Culross, have lunch and dawdle back. Didn't get past Torryburn, where there's a new play park installed. So we stopped there for the bairns to play and decided to just get sandwiches from the shop. Except the shop had no sandwiches, no rolls, no bread. Not even an oatcake. So it was cream crackers, ham, plastic cheese, salsa, crisps and chocolate. A feast. Pretty weird feast.

Home to potter around the garage hoping the new brew kit would arrive. Didn't but while I waited. I made handles for the new knives and fitted them and then tried them out on this little spoon. They're sharp like you can't imagine. Spoon's a little odd with the stubby handle but the idea is that it fits in a camping pot or a cup and needs to be wider to hold onto when there's no length. I'll try it out with breakfast tomorrow.

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