Third time in one year

We had to have Diefenbaker euthanized today! Advanced colon cancer was diagnosed, and difficult as it was, we just had to take the decision to have it done!!

The picture for today symbolizes the day perfectly! The two beautiful red finches are the two males, R sr & R jr, the two females are C and Me, wishing Diefenbaker, the beautiful male flying off, a safe journey to Doggy Heaven!

It is such a terrible experience, especially since it was our third pet in 53 weeks! Last year on 11 December it was Fielies then on 4th May this year Vlooi did not make it through quarantine, moving back to SA from Zambia, but dear old Diefenbaker made it and we had him here with us for just over 7 months!

He was só beautiful and such a loyal lovable German shepherd, but he turned 12 in September already, which apparently is a high age for them, according to records they only live for 8 to 10 years average! We are grateful for the years we had with him, but that does not make it easier today!

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