La vida de Annie

By Annie

Viernes Santo

This is the most religious and solemn day of the Easter period. At nightfall, the ‘Santo Entierro’ (Holy Burial) processions take place in towns and villages, the most spectacular of these being the processions that take place in Maó and also in Ciutadella, setting out from the Cathedral and led by the bishop.

In Menorca, as nightfall approaches, the spectacular ‘Santo Entierro’ (Holy Burial) processions take to the streets of Maó and Ciutadella.

Large floats (pasos), with magnificent carved statues recreating the last days of Christ, are carried by teams of bearers (costaleros) accompanied by the penitents (nazarenos) who rock from side to side as they walk. The penitents include members of the town hall and various religious guilds, many wearing their traditional costumes of long tunics and pointed hoods with full face masks (ku klux klan style) with only slits for the eyes. This is to hide their identity and symbolises that God is the only one who knows who they are. Others are dressed as biblical figures and centurions and some bear elaborated decorated crosses and banners.

In Maó, the long procession makes its way around the town to the somber rhythm of the local drum and brass band, shrouded in an atmosphere of meditation and prayer. Whatever the weather, these surreal processions are watched with avid solemnity and emotion by the people of the town who line the streets.

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