Solitude at Sunset

I walked here twice today, I needed to be here, to think, to feel...

I do not know what to say tonight, I have sat for over an hour and typed and re-typed, edited, deleted, nothing I put down says what I need to say, the words just don't seem enough or don't seem to convey what I need to say. I have never been less inclined to publish an entry than today for it seems so irrelevant for I cannot say anything to help or to comfort or to take the hurt away...

Darkness consumes me now as I sit in the dining room and watch the night sky, the warmth too gone in these wee small hours, no appetite for sleep, for anything just the horrid anxious knot in my chest that I cannot get past and I cannot explain. I will continue to reflect, if I can find the words I will try again and apologise for the ramble, for everything...

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