
I am due a rant and here I go.

Raising a girl to be independent and aspirational is hard! The year six leavers play is based on football creating significant gender bias in the main roles and the women are in the play mainly due to being wives or sisters of footballers (along with some very stereotypical wags). There are some female footballers but they get seven lines between them. Proud that she has pointed it out but she is so upset about it. Hope they shift it all a little and make it a bit more equitable for all.

This is my Facebook status which I have reduced the privacy on to a few close friends.

She is really upset and tried to set up a support group of her friends. They were all behind her until a more popular girl waded in.

The year six play is a big thing. I get the football bit but I have studied the split of parts and there are five main male roles to two female. Then the next roles down are WAGs. I really don't want my daughter preening herself around a stage and acting like the biggest bimbo from a carry on film you ever did see. I read the script it's very bad. The main wag with the most lines is very dim.

I know some people would consider my life to be fairly anti-feminist. My husband is the main breadwinner though I do work for his business and run my choirs. The main duty of care for the children is me as my husband being at work is imperative to our financial survival. I have a degree and half a masters and when the children are older I will go out and work more and earn more. I did work full-time a few years ago and it was hellish. School holidays are hard to cover. I am however loud, opinionated and am in a fair and kind relationship. We operate as a team. I have an independent and full social life. Most importantly is that I had choice and I still have choice.

The play has really upset my daughter. She does not consider WAGs to be something she wants to pretend to be. The directions in the play asks teacher to engage their girls by using the shades(sunglasses), wags and paparazzi. What century are we living in!!?!! One character (a wife) wields a rolling pin.....
The one and only positive female character is being supported by her dad. No mention of a mother.

To be fair I am cross about it. Unsure what to do next though without looking like an interfering and overbearing parent. Dd is very upset though and I believe rightfully so.

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