Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

The Reluctant Dog Walker

After a quick trip to Sainsbury's first thing we went to the Easter Market in the village. There wasn't a lot there really so, after a very quick wander round, we went to the butchers and came home for a coffee with my mum & dad and Sarah, who we bumped into in the village.

After lunch we managed to persuade Poppy to come out for a walk around Pocket Park. Bertie was the least keen walker. He decided to lay down after 5 minutes and wouldn't budge so we had to carry him the rest of the way.

Poppy seems to have got over the shock of Bertie's hair cut. In fact, if anything, I think she loves him more now!

Steak tonight and a bit of BGT. Yay!

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