Where There's Muck

We cycled along the canal to Byres Road. I have a very uncomfortable folding bike that has bugger all suspension and an extremely hard seat. On the way back I had to perch from one check to the other as the pain in the 'normal' seating position was unbearable. I'm sure I looked a twat.

Anyway, we had lunch in the West end, wandered in the sun, ate ice cream from Nardinis then saw a man being it off his bike by a woman opening her car door suddenly without noticing him speeding down the road. Pip, a huge Casualty fan was horrified with the suddenness of it all and the mans shouts of pain. It was much scarier in real life than a TV programme she discovered (he was ok by the way).

Came home and crashed on the sofa again for an hour....... or so, then took Joe out the garden where we planted, wild flower seeds, chard, salad leaves and nasturtiums.

Bums still sore

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