Well, I've Never Seen That Before!

I have been going down to the Quays for a long time now, but I have never seen the bridge lift...until tonight! Carole's mum was up from Wales and the three of us went to the Lowry this evening to see a splendiferous show...The Ghost Hunter. It was a monologue and the guy who told the tale was brilliant, I loved it. Do you know what they are, ghost stories? They're a place to put things you're too scared to look at any more.

We went early to the theatre restaurant for a meal first. We had just ordered our cocktails when we spotted the bridge rising. Of course I lug my camera everywhere so I nipped out on to the terrace and whizzed off a few shots. It reminded me of the times my grandad used to take me to the old Swing Bridge and watch the ships pass through...I still get that excited feeling. It was a ferry from Liverpool laden with trippers who had cruised down the Ship Canal and would then get a coach back. Tomorrow other trippers will do the journey in reverse.

Well after the excitement of the bridge...I'm a cheap date...we had a lovely meal then went into the Studio for the show. It was warm in there, we'd had a cocktail and a great meal and the lights were very dimmed, Vera couldn't keep her eyes open ha ha ha. All good fun!

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