
By PurbeckDavid49

The Rhine and Leverkusen

Leverkusen is home to the giant Bayer pharmaceutical complex on the right bank (i e east) of the Rhine.

The Bayer company was founded in 1863, its rise to fame and wealth was achieved through the production of aspirin. Among its many other discoveries and inventions are heroin and polyurethane.

Camera: Minolta M1 (35mm film, presumed Kodak)
1/125th sec, f/11
A cardboard Kodachrome Ready-Mount with the letters "HSE" - High Speed Ektachrome (a more sophisticated Kodak product) - added by hand
The Ektachrome film speed was 160ASA/ISO, a major improvement on the 25 or 64 of Kodachrome.

[this blip created in April 2014]

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