Pied shield bug

Gosh what a change today! it was just spitting with rain when I first woke up, but that quickly deteriorated to a full blown downpour by mid afternoon.
I just about got chance to find something interesting to blip for you.
Pied shield bugs - Tritomegas bicolor are distinctive shield bugs with a pleasing black and white coloration, They are wide 5.5 - 7.5 mm in length and can be found feeding on the arial parts of White dead nettle and Black horehound plants (which is exactly where I found this one).
They are widespread in Southern Britain, becoming rarer the further north you go, and absent altogether in Scotland and Ireland.
I carefully moved this little fella onto a Spanish bluebell as he kept hiding in the dead nettle flower.
Hopefully I will have more shield bugs to share with you soon.

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