Ea(s)ter Sunday, Badgers and Cheeky Granda.
Annual Haddo House rotary wooden Easter egg hunt with Grandma and Granda, where if you can actually find one of the blessed things in the woods you can either keep them or exchange them for Cadbury's cream eggs. Guess what option they chose. In between we rolled our eggs down the big hill, primarily to feed the crows who were having their best Sunday in ages.
Only discovered that there is also a Cadbury's Egg trail too, never noticed it before but was too busy having picnic at that point and coping with Granda having one of those infectious crying with laughter fits after he made a joke equating Grandma's underwear with a tent. Meanwhile Grandma had done her usual and miraculously materialised a picnic as well as making sure that the kids would never leave an egg hunt unsuccessful.
Afternoon walk over to the swamp in glorious sunshine with Dave where Sam was chuffed to find an active badger's set, have two deer jump out in front of us and a woodpecker fly by. He grabbed some badger hair from the ground as a keepsake to add to the growing "Sam Stuart Scottish Natural History Museum" collection.
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