S1 - Another Day

By S1

New art work for the walls.

Today was one of those days where everything went wrong.

It started off in the morning with a phone call from the mortgage broker - the bank had done another house survey with the value lower than the one the sellers had completed. This has thrown everything into a spin and I spent a lot of the morning on the phone trying to sort everything out as we are meant be signing the purchase contracts tomorrow.

CJ was a little star to start with, playing quietly and letting me talk to the lawyer, mortgage broker and S2.

However, one of his activities has caused my day to get worse... He found his crayons but instead of using the paper, he decided to draw on the walls! He was so proud when he showed me what he'd done. He has never done this before or shown any signs of doing this. I wouldn't have cared if it was our place but unfortunately we are still in the rental.

But then I received a txt from a friend and her news made my day of hassles seem very insignificant compared to her news...

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