
By Lightfantastic

Fledgling Blackbird

Up late, another quiet day, not even the paper to collect. Cooler, duller rain forecast which will lay the dust and fill the water butt.
Phone call from H, the cats have brought in a bird, still alive. They put it outside in the hedge only for the cats to bring it in again… help could I relocate it! I go over taking some laundry I need doing. Turns out the bird is a young fledgling blackbird. Well feathered but unable to fly or feed itself so relocation not an option. We try the hedge again putting it well in and keeping the cats in but they squabble to get out. Once let out they soon have it again. We’ll try the wood pile where the fledgling can hopefully hop in out of paw reach and will not fall. The cats prowl round but for the moment it seems safe. We leave it to its fate.
Returning home I make a late brunch. Looking out the window… that’s not a sparrow? dunnock? it’s a white throat. A first for the garden, probably just arrived and looking for easy food. They are quite common on the marshes and cliffs
The rains comes and refreshes. Next doors kittencat is prowling, wings flap, it’s another fledgling blackbird. More mature able to fly and feed itself. I watch for a while then creep out with the camera. A few worms seem acceptable and it allows me to get quite close.

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