A Rare Day.

Yes, today was a rare day indeed, as I didn't have to get up to go anywhere and I didn't have anything in particular to do. So what did I decide to do with my day, yes that's right I sorted through my DVD collection.

I actually had to count them for insurance purposes. It took me longer than I thought as I counted the discs and not just the dvds, as I've got quite a few box-sets.

This is only half of what I've got in the photo, there's another load like that on the other side of the room.

I used to collect books, but with moving country and various houses, they got culled quite often. Although, I must admit I've still got quite a lot of them stashed around the house too.

Next I've got to count my CD collection.

It's all getting a bit scary how much stuff I've got.

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