
By Dotspan


When my grandparents immigrated from Greece to America they settled in New Jersey where my grandfathers brothers lived. It wasn't long before the 5 brothers opened a Sweet Shop and began to sell their homemade chocolates and ice cream.

As a little girl we would travel from Long Island to New Jersey to visit my mother's family at Easter time. I remember the long car rides that seemed endless. But what I remember the most are the visions of chocolate Easter Bunnies that lined the .shelves of the Sweet Shop. I can still remember the taste of the first bite of chocolate - usually the ears.

This antique chocolate bunny mold sits on our windowsill. It brings back so many memories of not only chocolate, but midnight Easter services, breaking the fast, eating soup, lamb dinner and celebrating the true meaning of Easter with our extended family gathered around a long table ladened with holiday foods.

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