its not Cadburys.......

.......its mine!!!

I was lucky enough to have been given 2 Easter Eggs yesterday. I ate one last night and saved this one for my blip today. I stole the idea off ThatsNice. I hope she doesn't mind!

This is quite a rare shot for several reasons.
1. Mr W helped me reluctantly!
2. Im wearing matching coloured nail varnish and its still non chipped - from our Spa Day Friday.
3. The sun is shining!
4. Im standing on a 'Finished' patio. The ivy has gone, the wall is white, the stones are clean and I finished the grouting today.
5. The chocolate hasn't been eaten yet!!!

Happy Easter everyone. I hope you have all enjoyed your break. We are off to the cinema again tonight to see Noah. Mixed reviews. Ill let you know what it was like tomorrow.


PS not sure I like my claw like hand, but as Mr W so kindly helped me I couldn't not use it!!!!

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