
By CharlotteJ

In the nick of time!

We both had work to do this morning but then at 12pm we both managed to finish and headed out into the garden, four hours later, we are looking a bit smarter and the rain has just started.

Here you have my white bluebells, the only white ones in the garden. I am hoping to get out to a NT walk one evening this week to see lots of blue bluebells but not sure if I will have time...we'll see.

Tomorrow Im off to Solihull for work and then tomorrow night I am home alone which means a few things:

1. I can eat cauliflower cheese (Chris hates it and even the smell of it)
2. I get the remote
3. I can watch something really girlie
4. I can starfish in bed

Bliss!! Poor Chris though hes up and off at 4am tomorrow so now its time for a little wine and dinner.

Happy Bank Holiday Monday everyone x

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