Bluebells again

I learnt recently that fifty percent of the world's bluebells grow in England, and certainly they are abundant round here. I never tire of seeing them, they seem to be a new miracle every year. I wish I could convey not only the sight of them, but also the scent, it was very strong.
These bluebell woods are at the top of the North Downs, at Ranmore in Surrey. To get to the woods I crossed an open field that looked south across the village of Westcott. There were families picnicking in the warm sun. I was reminded that almost 25 years ago my children organised a surprise picnic for my birthday on this very hillside. My more formal friends thought it was a very strange thing to do but A and J had somehow organised quite a feast including ice cream in the shape of my birthday numbers. Sadly the weather was rather chilly, but at least it wasn't raining. Another happy memory!

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