Family Dog

By Family_Dog

twinkle twinkle little star

You'd be forgiven for thinking this is a picture of Arlo calmly and serenly wearing a (quite frankly) incredible snowsuit whilst carefully perusing the goings on in The Christmas Tree, but previous to this being taken it was a decidedly less calm scene.

Wrestling Arlo into this snowsuit is like trying to contain a lidless box of tightly coiled springs, in the dark, with one hand, whilst being very drunk and trying to fit a double quilt into a single quilt cover with the other hand. It is nigh on impossible. The very idea of him going anywhere near it sends him into a tantrum so huge that it's tempting to forget the whole thing and let him go out in the freezing weather with a t-shirt and flip flops on.

Once you get the bloody thing on though - does he want to take it off? Does he hell. We've taken to just leaving him in it for entire days.

I do believe this is called lazy parenting.

Works for me!

(have backblipped)

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