
By bivbov

Not a lake!!

If you are observant, you will see that this is, in fact, a rugby pitch! It has been under water since 'the rains' earlier this year, and looked like it might spill into the road at one point. Bad news for the houses on the other side of the road - they are lower than the rugby pitch. So, not much rugby at Sparrow's Den this year, but a bit of boating and rubber duck sporting fun......

Mr C and I ventured out on a run together today. It doesn't happen very often - we juggle baby sitting duties and fitness, so he usually goes out for his run when I come in from mine. His mum was babysitting for us today. He promised to take it easy as I have been pretty under the weather,, but I think I managed to hold my own. Eight miles and a little over an hour of running was quite enough for me today. I even had to have a little snooze after lunch!!

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