Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Operation Smile: Fundraising Is A Go!

As it's now been officially announced on my podcast, I can start pimping this out; from 9am UK time on Saturday 12th July, my friend Jenni and I will be doing a live 24hr broadcast of my podcast, Stacey's Pop Culture Parlour to raise money for Operation Smile. I set up the JustGiving page today, so that I can keep it updated with news and info on guests and such as I book them. I'm both excited and terrified!

If you want to know more, or would like to donate (the page is active as of now, so you can donate before the show if you're not free to listen to it) please visit www.justgiving.com/SPCPLive or join the Stacey's Pop Culture Parlour Facebook group :D

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