Cuchara Vida

By CucharaVida

Funny Grandad

Dad/Funny Grandad was over today to spread the love and share beans on toast (yum!).

Tara slept for nearly 7 hours straight! Hard not to get excited but we are trying to restrain ourselves in case of a change in habits.

We all spoke to Sal in Barbados and she looks radiant. So happy to be with her family in a new place in the sunshine. Awesome.

The garden is pretty much ready now. I spent a few hours digging it over and weeding it and trying to make it a bit flatter. A bit more work and a rake and we are ready for the turf :-D

While digging I was listening to BBC Radio Cambridgeshire and decided, for the first time in my life, to make a song request. And they played it! And dedicated it to my baby and wife! And they heard them do it. I was too excited for such a little thing ;-)

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