Because this is who I am

By Brighde


I really like this actually.

So today was hilarious as per usual of a bank holiday monday. Stuck on ice creams doing my thing. For a few hours it was really nice, just plodding a long selling ice creams at a manageable pace. Laughing and smiling. Then it hit like three o'clock and it was manic. And a parasol flew off and hit an old woman. It was crazy. Luckily we didn't run out of anything besides milk so it was alright. However, I do have tennis elbow and I cant move my forearm more than 90 degrees because I have shooting pains down my wrist from all the ice creams I've scooped. I made £795 today. Thats about 400 ice creams.

Tomorrow is my day of in which I get too lounge around and do some college work. I'm really looking forward to having a lie in and watch films on my new netflix account which everyone seems so found of. Funny that, everyone wants to be your best friend when you have free stuff.

Happy Blipping

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