Klick Kit


Well Well

Yes Duthie park Aberdeen this morning. The picture is of Fountainhall Well
Cistern House, Fountainhall or Fountain Haugh 1706. Re-erected 1903 in the Duthie Park.

A small rubble cistern house. Flat-square opening to centre of South Elevation with large lintel, Metal plaque above reading "Old Well from Lands of Fountain hall, erected in connection with the first engineered City water supply of 1706, Rectangular pool in front, with 4 stone steps on each side leading down to water; brick and stone lined vaulted inner chamber. The original site was at the edge of a field on the Fountainhall Road

In the background is the McGrigor Memorial This pink granite obelisk, is on a square-plan base and plinth with a recessed granite panel with the inscription to Sir James McGrigor.

The Obelisk was built to honour the memory of Sir James, who was Director-General of the Army medical department for 36 years, and Lord Rector of Marischal College. There are other memorials in the Duthie Park including 2 to the Gordon Highlanders.

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