Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Dog on shoulder,rollers in hair ..

Essential evening relaxations...

Car packed...
Hair washed and bouffanted up so I don't need to do it in the morning at 6am...
Rubbish long life food also stored in the car...
Tyres checked ...
Diesel full ...
More 'extra' clothes than you can shake a stick at (covering all eventualities ) ...
Main thing ... TENT HEATER ...

I forgot to take a photo today as this house was a hive of activity .. A hive I tell you !!

Eve left it until late this afternoon to tell me she had no jeans or leggings that fit her anymore ...of course I did not swear or anything... naturally I popped to the shops in a sunshine mood and smiled at all the other shoppers .... hear my tone .....

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