
By cowgirl

Meeting Moss

As you can see Winney loves him .... Ok, so she was actually bullying him a bit, but nothing too serious, just showing off infront of me.

Those of you who have been following my life might remember that Louise had two horses, Winney and Beans. Both very young and in need of bringing on.

Beans was really too small for Lou and I don't have the time to visit often enough, so he has now gone to live with a girl who does a lot of show jumping who can bring him on to his full potential.

Meanwhile, a chap who bought some calves off James asked if Lou would like to ride his horse, so Moss has now come to live with them!

Had a lovely day with them all, Jack ( the dog ) had the best fun with Sav playing 'stick' for hours! We had lunch at a really quaint village pub before taking Jack a walk through the woods that are carpeted with bluebells, whilst Lou and James did the evening milking. Took a couple of hundred photos ( James like me to document his farm each time I visit! ) but chose this shot because it's just so cheeky. Winney knows very well that she's being naughty!

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