
By granpabear


What I didn't say yesterday. My son Matt has been taking ballet lessons at the same studio as his daughter G. Last Saturday night they preformed together at the studio's big fund raiser. They were a hit! I didn't get to go because somebody had to watch grandson Q. But putting him to sleep made it worth it to me. I have always been good at putting kids to sleep.
So yesterday, Easter Sunday, they preformed their dance for all of us in the living room. Then grandson Z, thirteen years old, and a veteran of years of dance lessons, preformed a hip hop routine that he had prepared for his schools talent show.
Today twenty seven year old grandson M ran the Boston Marathon! This is a boy who was lost for many years to drugs, and has survived the death of his father at an early age. Healed and thriving! Finished fifty seconds ahead of his goal.
All good stuff to be able to write in a journal. And am I proud or what?

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