
By NickyH


This is my nephew Noah.

He's such a photogenic little monkey, but will he keep still long enough to actually capture that? No chance!

Today was Easter Sunday. It started with an egg hunt in the garden at home, then a little family gathering at my parents' house with yet more egg hunting, Easter bonnet making and lots of fun.

Yes, I am back! I don't think I'll be blipping every day just yet, but I'm getting there. I made the decision to step away from blip as it was becoming a real chore, and I wasn't enjoying it any more. It was making me fall out of love with photography, which is something I never want to happen. So, I had a break and I actually quite enjoyed it! The last week I have started to pick my camera up again and I can feel the love coming back. Hooray! I really have missed you all and the wonderful community here. Thank you for sticking by me even though I've been absent. I hope to be joining you all much more frequently, and hopefully I'll eventually get back to daily shots again. In the mean time I have back blipped a few shots from the last few days: Izzy, H and his best friend,
Football mad and H,

It's good to see you all xxxx

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