More stones

I think I might as well use this title as a default; I seem to be always blipping stones. Anyway, these stones are part of a Stone Circle, or more correctly part circle.

Kemp Howe Stone Circle is just off the A6, a mile south of Shap. It was once a fine stone circle, but most of it was destroyed by Victorian railway builders, as they built the Carlisle to Preston line. Now all that remains is an arc of six huge stones. It must have been very imposing before the arrival of the railway. Sad that the very ancient was pushed aside by the modern.

This scene, looking over towards the fells, is quite atmospheric on this misty, wet afternoon. Look large.

However . . . turn the other way and this is what you see . . . and when a train happens to come by!! As well as that, the huge Corus limestone works towers over the whole area.

How a picture can deceive!

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