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Otin tämän kuvan kuntosalimatkalla. Pidin sekavuusta että heijastus luo. (I try to say - I took this picture on my way to the gym. I liked the confusion created by the reflection.)

I've learned two things about Finnish language:
You don't need many words to express what you want to say.
Context and nuances of meaning are extremely important in order to choose the right word ending.

I had a day off today and, guess what? the weather was crap. Just my luck! Anyway. I had a good day off nonetheless. I didn't take many pictures though, the weather was not inspiring, to be honest..

I went to the gym in the morning and then I met a friend of mine for coffee. Later on I caught up with other stuff.

Just relaxing now and back to work tomorrow.

Thanks very much for your nice comments yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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