
By jac1954

Kill the Rosemary

This blip is of Stanley jumping on the new pink flowering rosemary bush I planted at the weekend, so far this morning he has lopped off two wee branches, it only had 6, so to give it a chance I built a wigwam of bamboo round it for protection,
as you can see he has his paws around the wigwam with a demented face to get it out.
It's a very good job I love him eh!.

some of you may remember the saga of the lavender looking like Rosemary a few blips back, my boyfriend had used the Lavender for three weeks on the roast chicken thinking he was putting Rosemary on it, I saw what he had in his hand and said why are you putting Lavender on the chicken?.
Of course a lot of shouting on his part ensued
with me laughing making it worse so I bought him two new little bushes, and so the saga goes on.
:-) happy blipping everyone x

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