An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Old MacDonald had a Farm...


After two days travelling and two days of holiday entertaining, we decided today would be a lazy day. Just as well really as it poured with rain the whole day. Still that meant I felt less guilty about my lie in, leisurely lunch and general lack of oomph.

I also gave up on trying to get connected to the internet today. Despite the owners having spent a fortune getting the internet put in, connection is at best intermittent and at worse non existent so i have accepted I'll just have to wait until I get home to blip.

Once I realised that, I was utterly amazed at how free I felt! Not being beholden to the WWW and all it's wonders is actually very lovely for a finite time :)) I drank coffee, read a magazine or two, painted my nails, chatted, made dinner and generally socialised! It is so lovely having John with us. He is great company (such a comedian, honestly, he is joke a minute. he could be on the stage!) and Alan is really enjoying his grandpa's company.

Had a few visitors to the garden today, inspire of the rain. A horse at the fence, a blackbird singing his heart out, a sheep dog, 2 rabbits, hens and the cockerel.

This and a blurred shot of the horse are the only photos I took today.

Lazy mare and I don't mean the horse! ;-))

PS I see the cottage owners choose their curtains to match their roosters. How co-ordinated! :D

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