A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A picture of joy.

Couldn't resist posting this, even though I know it is not a good shot.

This is H who was with her grandmother J today when we met up with D and M in Otley for a catchup, coffee and lunch.

The problem was that H's buggy wouldn't go in the car and J didn't want to have to carry her. We tried the charity shops for a stand in buggy but apparently Health and Safety won't allow the sale of them second hand. So this was a substitute.

She was off. We had trouble keeping up with her! Hence the problem of capturing her for a blip, she wasn't keeping still!

We had a lovely day with the  sun returning and allowing us to sit by the river (Wharfe) and enjoy the swans and a heron on the weir.

(J tried another charity shop and they gave her a buggy which meant H could have a sleep whilst we sat in the sun. She just has to get all these things home now!)

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