
By Kiteseeker

Yorkshire Alpaca

Richard, Jet and I decided to try a walk from Coxwold this afternoon. We started past Shandy Hall where Laurence Sterne wrote Tristram Shandy. The next section was across fields covered with oil seed rape to Husthwaite's Norman church with views across to the White Horse near Sutton Bank.

The bluebells were out in the woods as we walked to Newburgh Priory. Newburgh was converted to a house after the dissolution of the monasteries. It was once the home of Cromwell's daughter Mary who supposedly snatched her father's headless corpse and laid it to rest in a sarcophagus hidden in the Priory's walls.

The light was not at its best for photography and I was not happy with the landscape pictures I took. This is an Alpaca which we spotted above Husthwaite. A sign invited us to take the Alpaca's for a walk but we needed to get back for tea! I did wonder if this is the herd that supplies our local wool shop with Yorkshire Alpaca wool - more research needed.

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