Braving the Birch tree jungle

The bird searching continued today and I even braved the Birch trees on Shire Hill.

The Birch tree pollen is a major allergy for me so its nasal sprays, allergy eye drops and antihistamine tablets this afternoon.

I did see some nice birds and got a few photos but none focused perfectly. There were no new migrant birds to be found today and this is when I begin to wonder if they will ever return. Bad weather at a crucial time meant that some birds like Pied Flycatcher did not appear in the wood last year and I hope they will return this year. Other birds like Cuckoo have always been a little hit and miss but I hope to hear one soon.

my best bird photo was this Robin on the Shire Hill sign providing lunch for its mate.

Cleaned my car and my sisters ( as it was standing next to mine ) this afternoon. We went into to the local Autoden shop and while she was admiring the top quality Triplewax bottle I bought the big budget WashnWax stuff. The man in the shop was smiling as I said that our cars were too old to bother paying that much :-)

Dad has decided not to watch the football tonight - oh joy !

Instead we will shortly watch the last part of the BBC Drama Jamaica Inn. It has been heavily criticised for being filmed too dark and for a lot of the dialogue being inaudible - true, but I still want to see the end.

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