Bird On A Cold Tile Roof

As opposed to a cat on a hot tin one.

It was rather foggy this morning and you couldn't see the houses 50 yards away.
But as it bagan to lift (slightly) I quite likes the faint rainbow over the bird........ and the cobweb.

The pictures of SWMBO's flowers - caged and otherwise, as well as flashed didn't turn out quite how I wanted them. In fact the flash ones were a disaster. Mainly caused by incorrect settings (I must a: remember to reset things after changing them and b: stop listening to No1 regarding technical stuff ..... I never get it right).

Coffee and cream cakes with friends was not the best today either - the monsters seemed to get a sugar rush almost immediately and were very noisy and not on their best behaviour.
Further beatings chastisement training required to get them to tow the line and have them understand these trips out are for MY benefit - not theirs.

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