
Eva was wingeing cos she couldn't get herself up the bouncy castle slide. Toby was pretending to be upset because I was tickling him! When he pulls this face we tell him he looks like a trout and to stop laughing which instantly makes him laugh.

He's been a little rat bag today. He definitely needs the stimulation of pre school. Being dragged round the supermarket this morning and then being expected to play nicely in the garden whilst I ran the Hoover round was too much to ask! I caught him too late tipping a spade full of sand over his sisters head. I was fuming and then upset because I really lost it with him and I hate that. Luckily it didn't go in her eyes but obviously could have been really nasty. Feels like all I have done today is tell him off. Have to ask him at least 5 times to do something i.e can you put your shoes on and it gets so frustrating.

Didn't want to reward him for being naughty but didn't want Eva to miss out so we still went to Phoenix's bday do at his house. He had his party on Sat and is away with his mummy and daddy on his actual bday next Sat so today was a little get together for some cake and a play. It tried to rain but the kids played outside on the bouncy castle for most of the afternoon.

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