
By Angelique


Strange day today weatherwise. Fine drizzle to start with but later it became brighter. Still quite cool at times.

After my session at work, and Sir had gone out, I tiptoed over his huge front lawn and took this photo of his Magnolia tree. If you look closely, to the right of its centre, you can see a small fly. I love these trees but they never last very long. And of course if we have a late frost all these beautiful petals will be on the floor.

Phoebe came shopping with me into Taunton and of course, being a little show off, danced for anyone who paid her any attention. And because she had a bath yesterday, looks even more like a little fluffy sheep!

Its now past midnight as my computer has been playing up, so before it stalls again, will bid you all a peaceful nights sleep. Thursday already, yipee. April is flying by and I'm looking forward to May as it's a special month for me and Mr A. Will tell you more about that next week!

Thankyou for 'looking in', I do appreciate your company. xx

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