
By filledwithlight

Spring on campus

I'm grateful for a certain someone's inspiration today. I was honored to be at his hearing on his DUI and drug possession case. Six months ago, after his arrest, he seemed aimless, depressed, and unengaged with any positive activities. His role models are drug dealers and rock stars.

Six months later, I see a changed man. He has taken what seemed like a misfortune -getting arrested - and turned it into an opportunity to turn his life in a whole new direction. The other day he couldn't stop talking about the Model U.N. team he's on, the students he's met from all over, and the fascinating topics they discuss... and his new role model is a man who runs a program for young people in recovery who has taught him invaluable life lessons about taking responsibility for yourself and your future.

The credit goes to him and his mom and others who have been there to support him. I'm so proud of him. The judge was impressed, too, and gave him all he asked for.

Grateful that his mom can sleep again. Grateful that he's turning his life around so dramatically. Grateful for the inspiration. Grateful for justice.

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