Gaia's Child

By maura143

Thrasher vs. Hawk

The Red-shouldered Hawk has been showing up every afternoon to sit on an Elm limb above the pond. She's focused on the fish and several frogs who call the pond home. The Brown Thrasher, a couple of Cardinals and a Catbird are none too happy to have this predator hanging out in their neighborhood!

I've spent the last two afternoons trying to get photos of the confrontation between the Brown Trasher and the Hawk. The smaller bird bothered, dive-bombed, and generally harassed the Hawk for hours. To the Hawk's credit, she sat there patiently waiting for her chance to snag dinner from the pond. The Thrasher seemed to know that it was in little danger from the Hawk. Too close and too many branches for the Hawk to go after her. STANDOFF





Or the entire set on Flickr...HERE

The Hawk finally flew off, hopefully for easier pickings. She'll be back tomorrow, watch out Fish and Frogs!

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