Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny


As a few of you will be aware, we were burgled in the early hours of this morning, whilst we slept.

The `toerags` disturbed me, they had climbed over our back patio wall, slid the grill across and jemmied the patio doors, which were locked, it was the noise of the door opening that woke me.

All they had time to do was to grab my handbag, I opened the front door and gave chase, only wearing my PJs and nothing on my feet. Needless to say they made a quick getaway.

We called the police and within 10 minutes 4 of them arrived, 2 Guardia Civil and 2 local police, along with a dog. They found my bag in the street, minus the cash, but my cards were still intact, unfortunately, by the time the police had found my bag, I had cancelled my cards.

The police were very nice, and later on we went down to the Guardia Civil office and made a report, in triplicate, one for me, one for the police and one for the courts, just in case the burglars get caught.

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