twinned with trumpton


Easter Hols - Prologue

Off work, to prepare for the latest addition to the Orkneyinga Saga.

A fairly gentle start; boys slept well - hardly surprising given their epic trek from darkest Devon the day before. Alex went off to nursery, and Tom and I had a car to collect; we danced on the multi level paving slabs at Gayfield Police Station and then we got G from her holiday club, took a slight Cigs detour and then darkened Enterprise's door and were handed the keys to a black 2 litre turbo diesel Astra. Cue much hysteria.

Asda for supplies (OK, wine, mostly...), then back to mine; first time G has been. She has only recently found out I live away from the boys, and it was done in a matter of fact this is how it is kind of way. She accepted, and we went to round Alex up from nursery, dropped G home and packed in what there was from there before coming home.

Gentle evening of baths, stories, and then me furiously packing, gathering ready for the Grand Depart early Thu.

Can't believe we're doing it!!!! Eeeep..!

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