
By AfterDark

The Borrowers - Image 01

One of my earliest Infant school memories was the teacher reading out to the class, The Borrowers fantasy novel by Mary Norton.. it was about a family of tiny people who live secretly in the walls and floors of an English house and "borrow" from the big people in order to survive.

It had my imagination running wild about what if... a spider or mouse came chasing after you etc..etc..

so here we have an image that reminds me of the The Borrowers and their perspective on the world..

I have noticed some of my subscriptions to other blippers show they have a theme or two running on the side.. so for instance if they are busy or perhaps lacking Blip inspiration that day they revert to their Theme.

Mr.John for instance puts things on his head.. so I might start my own theme focused around the borrowers. feel free to join in if you want to .. it could be fun to see your imagination running wild.. he he ..

The Borrowers - Image 01 = the giant feather duster.

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