
By trabroun

Early Morning Christmas Shopping

The panic has commenced
Having had such a busy time with everything that life can throw at you, I have had to get some Christmas shopping done - NOW!
So dropped S off at work at 08.50, nipped into HMV at the Fort to return two CDs that I thought would suit two teens only to be informed by S that "no way would they listen to that" So by 08.55 two CD's changed, across to three other venues, into Edinburgh and can you believe into Ocean Terminal, got parked in the car park two spaces away from the door, into a shop to get something and back out into the car in a 15 minute turnaround - was I impressed! Then home - conscious clearing - nearly. just have to put up the Christmas tree, decorate the mantelpiece, deliver neighbours Christmas cards, walk the dog, do the laundry, do the ironing...

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