
By CameraHappy

Spring Rains and Good Health

Yesterday I was able to get out in the back yard to do a bit of raking - raking that ideally would have been done in fall had the snow waited a bit longer! There were still a few chunks of snow in the yard, but the lilies were sprouting and the grass, getting green. I had hoped to see a few leaves bursting from the buds, but it is has not been quite warm enough.

Today it poured. It was still drizzling when I took this photo which is the back of one of our finest hospitals - the Royal Alexandra. It is across from a Day Program Centre and hospice.

I got to thinking about how fortunate we are in Canada and more specifically, Alberta with our health care. I know there are lots of complaints about our health care system, but in comparison to other parts of the world, I'd say all it needs is a bit of tweaking.

I worked on a Palliative Care team during the latter part of my nursing career. The physicians and other specialists are world-renowned. Not only do we have exceptional medical care, but the services are free to those who live here (public insurance). Expert care that is affordable and accessible to all - what more could we ask for.

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