A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView


I opened the front door first thing this morning & caught this small chap making his merry away around our doorstep pots. By the looks of it, & I had plenty of time to figure this one out, making a very slow slime line for our curly parsley.

Although I whole heartedly respect the feet, of which he has none, of his mammoth & audacious endeavour, this sort of behaviour just cannot be allowed in the garden where fruit & flower are grown intentionally. He had to be dealt with.

And so, after a few snaps in the beautiful morning sun light, I did what had to be done. I marched him up the very end of the garden & threw him, lovingly, into the bush, knowing full well that despite my attempt to get rid of him, his homing instinct will most likely bring him straight back (I'll give him a week or so), cos the garden man on the radio said so.

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