Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


Some times it feels like there is no one else on the planet. On my cycle ride around this morning it was such a morning. The wind was up and there is rain in the air. I enjoyed the ride on my touring bike rather than the 'out of action' fold up commuter. With very little effort I sailed along the nearly deserted roads and paths, all the spring flowers nodding in the wind. At the drops the river was lively and made delighted noises about its journey, babbling along to the river grasses whom whispered nonsense amongst themselves. Birds chatted hidden in the trees, keeping out of the chilly wet air.

By the time I got to the coffee shop my hands were cold, I wrapped them around the nicely steaming mug and tucked into my muffin. A busy day awaits and this maybe my only peaceful time to myself. I have much to do tonight as I am away for the night tomorrow. Cycle trip with the lads and sadly the only weekend they could all do was one when I am working! So, I'm jumping on the train after work and then cycling to meet them after that. So bags have to be sorted, cloths for work, cloths for tomorrow night, cycling gear (weather looks threatening so full kit) and spare parts.

It will be great to catch up with all the guys, my crap start to the year health wise means I haven't been out training much and I have lots of plans to confirm for the summer trip to France. drink beer!


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