A year in the life of Sar

By Sar2212

And the rain pours down!

We woke up in the early morning to loud thunder, lightning and heavy rain! We had to let all the doggies in with us (we are currently dog-sitting jasper again!), and Charlie in particular is terrified of storms. He was shaking and panting heavily for hours the poor little poppet. We had a nice lazy morning while we waited for the storm to pass, and once it cleared we took the dogs to Croudace Bay for a play! In this photo you can see the rain coming in from the deck, although the photo really doesn't capture the extent of it. As you can see we still have our decorations up from the engagement party-whoops, better take them down! Will and I then went to the movies tonight to see 'The Other Woman'. It was great and was a real laugh out loud movie!

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