Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer


Shetland is truly a land of extremes. We've managed to get through another winter full of some fairly vicious storms (not as bad as down in the south west, which is unusual) and now we're into the foggy season which can really ruin your holiday if it decides to arrive and stay for a couple of weeks.

What's really weird is that fog normally only forms when the wind is calm, or blowing at a few knots. In Shetland, you can have a forty knot wind and STILL be in thick billowing fog, which makes life very difficult when trying to fly around here!

Today was a typical example. Fog down at Sumburgh was stopping all flying there. And because we need Sumburgh as a diversion, the merest hint of fog at the north end meant we couldn't fly.

It was my day out today and after waiting all morning, I was released from flying and sent south to Sumburgh where the weather eventually improved enough for me to head south.

This picture is of the Voe near Brae. That's a vessel heading out for the daily harvest of mussells.

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